There are no assigned workspaces and instead, the layout allows employees to work where they want, how they want. Areas in the build-out are specifically designed to allow people to work independently or collaboratively. Spaces are defined using fun, memorable names — The Clubhouse, The Garden, The Den, and The Parlor — to create a shared vocabulary among staff.
Collaboration spaces feature mobile tables, café height tables, and lounge furniture in common spaces. Phone booths allow people privacy, whether to make a phone call or for independent work. Keyless digital lockers were provided for employees to store and retrieve personal items efficiently.
Teamwork, clear communication, and quick decision making were key successes of the project team. Furniture solutions were dictated by lead times that fit into the short construction schedule. Also, to harness valuable time in the project schedule, EAW was successfully able to substitute furniture solutions as an alternative to constructing traditional millwork.